
How To Clean A Pressing Comb

Changing your hot comb every time it gets worn is not an easy game! Living in an average financial condition, I also skip the idea of buying a new one when this styling kit accumulates broken hair through regular use.

The alternative?

Clean it once a month! Yes, that's the optimum solution you can adopt for continuing your hair straightening without cutting your budget.

But how to clean a hot comb? Well, the technique is effortless and involves not-so-complex steps.

So, let's probe deep and find the details with real experiences! 😀

Last night I wanted to clean my hot comb after washing my hair. It was important for me to clean it before using it because I wanted to make it as clean as possible. For this, I took some hot water and palmolive dish soap to clean the comb with ease.

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That was the story of yesterday and now, I want to make the comb cleaner and hygiene at the same time. With suggestions from my husband who uses vinegar extensively for different cleaning purposes, I took almost half a cup of vinegar and baking soda. The baking soda was around a tablespoon of quantity. With a metal brush to clean the comb, I used hot water along with the items mentioned previously.

It's not very tough to find a small sized brush from any grocery shop. Alway Mini brushes are ideal for cleaning combs carefully which are found in 3-pack packages. I and my husband are quite happy with these mini brushes that cost around $3 per package. They are highly versatile and require minimum effort to clean a variety of items from household to desks. With baking soda and white vinegar, it's surprisingly effective and cleans so well that we can't avoid them.

Pie pans are very useful in this regard and I used them for my entire process. Aluminum pan was the choice made and used for stirring the comb. The comb was submerged on the bowl partially so that it can be altered after every 30 minutes.

Finally, my comb is looking clean after the treatment I got from my solution. A proper hygiene press can be gained from my comb and no other solution is needed to be used for cleaning purposes. It is said in some blogs and articles that bleach and relaxers are useful for removing stains and specks of dirt from metal combs, but I think they can be harmful to the equipment and the user also.

Mostly the process can be hazardous because it contains high quantities of chemicals and toxic solutions. Relaxer is not used here because at the time of cleaning any metal, relaxer creates heat and smoke at the same time that can be dangerous to the person closest. Moreover, that smoke is toxic at some extreme point that is harmful to our lungs. Besides, bleaches that are used in most of the cleaning firms and laundries, creates a smell that is sometimes intolerable.

We are using baking soda and vinegar that are normally found in our kitchen. We use these in different recipes in our day to day life. So, handling the light smell of that solution is not tough for many of us, especially me! Some small bubbles will pop when you mix up the solution but that will vanish within no time.

It is possible to get almost 100% clean comb by yourself using your process. That requires a bit more effort in the care and solution making process. But it is sure that, by following this procedure, you will get an almost perfectly cleaned comb every time you wash it. Furthermore, there will be less time required for cleaning the comb because as you become experienced in it, your workflow will get more fluent and efficient.

By cleaning your comb every month, it will be generally clean and hygiene most of the time, but for perfect results and faster workflow, it is recommended to clean the metal comb after every use. Because you use it once or twice a week, and it is possible to get dirt and bacteria to grow on it very easily especially in wet weather. As cleaning doesn't require much effort and time and you can do it at home, so there is no reason to overlook it.

You sure your comb is clean? By testing it carefully and observing the results, you can get this result. If you notice your hairs are going nicely through the comb then it is considerably cleaner. But if you see the hairs getting stuck once in a while on the comb teeth, think of it as dirt that is stopping the hair and thus it requires cleaning.

Clean gunk from comb occasionally. By doing it yourself at home involves no rocket science and requires minimum effort and time. So, I recommend cleaning it most often. Besides, getting a hot comb each and every time is a bit costlier than cleaning your older one. I usually don't buy combs often but if any new model is available after a long time, I may make a purchase.

To conclude…

Now since you know how to clean a hot comb, it is your responsibility to clean your hair and take the necessary steps to make it remain beautiful. Cleaning your hair and beauty products regularly will ensure efficient and careful treatment.

About Author

Wendy Heard

Wendy Heard is a lead researcher and writer for HairTipsPro. She gets excited about Hair & Hair Products and has over 7 years of experience.

How To Clean A Pressing Comb


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