
How To Clear Send To List On Instagram

Quick Links

  • How Can I Send and Receive DMs on Instagram?
  • How Do I Send an Instagram Post Through DMs?
  • How Do I Make Group Chat DMs on Instagram?
  • Can I Share Profiles on Instagram DMs?
  • How Do I Use Video Chat on Instagram?
  • What Are Rooms on Instagram DMs?
  • How Do I Mute DMs on Instagram?
  • How to Like DMs on Instagram
  • How to Unsend DMs on Instagram
  • Can You Read Instagram DMs Without Being "Seen"?
  • What Are Instagram DM Suggestions Based On?
  • Can I Stop Seeing Profiles in Suggestions?
  • Don't Forget to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts

Instagram isn't just about photos and videos. The social network also allows you to communicate with family and friends using Instagram Direct Messages (DMs).

Instagram DMs are a private chat function primarily accessible through the smartphone app. Here's everything you need to know about Instagram DMs.

1. How Can I Send and Receive DMs on Instagram?

It's easy to access your DMs via the Instagram app. After signing in, your feed will load. If there's a particular person you want to contact, click on their profile, then click on Message. A new chat thread will appear.

From here, you can:

  • Take a photo by clicking on the Camera button.
  • Write a message.
  • Make an audio recording using the microphone.
  • Send an image from your Camera Roll.
  • Access GIPHY for GIFs and Stickers.

You'll need to give Instagram permission to access your photos and microphone first. You can do this through your smartphone settings.

To see all of your chats, click on the paper airplane symbol in the top-right of your feed. This is also where you'll find any DMs you receive.

And yes, there are ways to check Instagram DMs online if you can't access the app.

2. How Do I Send an Instagram Post Through DMs?

If you see a post in your feed that you'd like to share privately, click on the paper airplane symbol beneath the post. This is next to the Comments function. A list of regular contacts will appear. Alternatively, you can search for anyone you follow.

This is also how you add someone else's post to your Story.

3. How Do I Make Group Chat DMs on Instagram?

You can send a post to a new or established group by following the above steps, but then clicking + in the Search bar.

To start a group chat similar to WhatsApp, navigate to your DMs. Click on the button that looks like a pencil in a box. You'll see a list of followers under "Suggested". Tick the people you want to add. If you have lots of followers, use the Search function.

Let's say you've found another Instagram profile you think your friend would love. You could tag them, or send a post as a DM.

Or you could go onto the profile in question and tap on the ellipsis symbol in the top-right of the interface. Then click on Share This Profile orCopy Profile URL—the latter lets you paste the profile link to DMs, or another service like WhatsApp.

5. How Do I Use Video Chat on Instagram?

Video chats are also accessed through Instagram DMs.

Click on the relevant person's conversation feed or start one if you haven't already. To initiate a video chat, click on the camera symbol in the top-right, next to the profile name.

6. What Are Rooms on Instagram DMs?

Can you create a video chat with numerous people on Instagram? Yes, and it's easier than ever before. This is presumably a step to compete with the growing popularity of video messaging services like Skype and Zoom.

You can still video chat with a couple of people using the above method, i.e. adding multiple people to a chat then clicking on the camera symbol.

But if you navigate to your DMs, they'll automatically be on All. Click on theRooms option to the right thenCreate Room. From there, you can invite your contacts to the group chat.

7. How Do I Mute DMs on Instagram?

Perhaps you're having a busy time and can't be bothered with Instagram right now. Or maybe someone is being particularly annoying. If so, you can mute DMs from individuals, meaning you won't see notifications when you receive a new message.

Just click on that person's chat thread, then click on their profile name. You can now click eitherMute messages and/or Mute call notifications.

Alternatively, you can go to your list of DM chat threads and swipe left on an individual person you want to stop notifications from. Two boxes will appear:Mute andDelete; choose Mute.

8. How to Like DMs on Instagram

You can like a DM in the same way you like normal posts on Instagram—just double-tap on the image or text. A small heart will appear underneath.

9. How to Unsend DMs on Instagram

Oops. You've sent a message you wish you hadn't. Can you unsend a DM on Instagram? Fortunately, you can, although it doesn't help if the recipient has already seen it.

Tap and hold on the message you want to withdraw. Two options will appear: Copy and Unsend. The latter will make it disappear from the thread entirely.

However, if the other person has notifications turned on, they'll probably have seen it already.

Instagram often tells you whether the other person has read the message too. It'll say "Seen" below the post.

10. Can You Read Instagram DMs Without Being "Seen"?

Read receipts can be useful. They can also be a headache. And you can't turn them off.

So, is there a way to view a Direct Message on Instagram without the sender knowing you saw it? It is possible, although it can be fiddly.

Firstly, you can read short DMs on your smartphone by enabling notifications. Do this by going on Settings > Instagram > Notifications >Allow Notifications. This doesn't always work, though. The DM might be too long to read in its entirety. It might be a picture that's too small to see. Or you could miss the notification.

There is another way you can read DMs without the other person knowing. Actually, it's similar to how to secretly take screenshots on Snapchat. We cannot guarantee its effectiveness, but more often than not, it works.

Load the app and check on your DMs, but do not click on the message. Navigate away from Instagram, but don't close it. Turn off Wi-Fi and Mobile Data by simply clicking on Airplane Mode. Go back to Instagram. Now, you can read the DM without the other person knowing.

This might not work if a DM shared another Instagram post or an image: that's because by logging into Instagram before turning on Airplane Mode, your DMs have loaded, but linked posts haven't. Nonetheless, this method should work if you just want to read text.

Next, go to Settings > Log Out. You can have numerous Instagram accounts—in which case, you need to log out of them all.

Close the app, then turn Airplane Mode off. You then need to log back into your accounts. If it has worked, Instagram should say there's a new notification waiting for you.

11. What Are Instagram DM Suggestions Based On?

Below your conversations, you might see further contacts listed as "Suggested". You'll also see these between posts in your feed or sometimes listed on your profile (don't worry, no one else will see them).

What does your "Suggested" list on Instagram mean? These are merely accounts Instagram thinks you'll be interested in. So what determines your "Suggested" people on Direct Messages on Instagram? These suggestions are based on several things.

They could simply be followers who you already follow back; in this case, Instagram encourages you to communicate. Often, if you have multiple accounts, one will suggest you follow the other. In those circumstances, Suggestions might include accounts your other profile follows, or similarly accounts your other contacts have connected to.

Suggestions can be based on your whereabouts if you've activated location services, or based on people you actually know if you've granted Instagram access to your Contacts.

Suggestions can also be profiles you've visited, regardless of whether you followed them.

12. Can I Stop Seeing Profiles in Suggestions?

Seeing someone you don't like or who you've fallen out with in DM suggestions can be off-putting. So what can you do to stop certain profiles from appearing in your DMs?

Your best option is to block that user. To do this, visit their profile and click on the ellipsis in the top-right, then tap Block. This will also stop them from being able to interact with you at all on the platform.

Don't worry: if you make amends, you can unblock someone on Instagram.

Don't Forget to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts

Now you know all you need to about Instagram Direct Messages. A handy extra tip is to create multiple accounts for professional and personal use.

Chats can get messy, especially when you're trying to have numerous conversations in one thread. Sometimes, you need to separate users depending on your personal situation. Try having a list of DMs for colleagues and another for friends, for example.

Give it a try: you won't regret it.

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About The Author

Philip Bates (277 Articles Published)

When he's not watching television, reading books 'n' Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything.

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How To Clear Send To List On Instagram


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